Monday, January 16, 2012

Kids when they won't eat.

When kids won't eat, its the worst.  You get up extra early to make them breakfast, you compromise "normal grocery store choices" for "kid friendly" choices, and you order specifically for them at restaurants.  If you're lucky, they eat one bite and they're on to the next thing.  Its one of the most madening things as a parent.  As I'm scraping food into the compost bucket, I'm think how much $$ was just wasted, and I'm completely annoyed because I'm anticipating a low blood sugar melt down in T-minus 30 minutes. Sometimes I wish that I had a mobile kitchen and a personal chef to just follow us around with the perfectly proportioned items that are sure to get gobbled up.  It just ain't gonna happen, though.  There is NOTHING more satisfying as hearing, "Oh, your daughter just ate everything on her plate," or "She's such a good eater," (which is a rare occasion.)
I've heard that kids have an internal "knowing" of what nutrients/minerals they need for their bodies, but I'm not sure I believe it.  My kids would be happy to live off pizza, french fries, and ice-cream, if I let them.  Sometimes I try to sneak the health food into the mix, by blending veggies into the sauce, or covering the veggies with cheese.  Sometimes I get lucky, but most of the time its a miss.  I'm not sure what the solution is.  I suppose if I just step back and look at them, I will see that they are perfectly healthy and happy kids, and maybe they really do have an intuition about what they need.  Atleast they LOVE seaweed.  SHEESH!

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