Thursday, January 12, 2012

Be a a mom.

I spent the evening at a friends party, mostly following my one-year-old around, making sure she wasn’t getting into anything dangerous. I remember when I was pregnant and I would see other moms with children between the ages of 1-3 following their children around at parties. I thought to myself, “Oh that’ll never be me.” For some reason I thought I’d be exempt from those duties. Even during the first several months of my daughters life, I still thought that we were the exception to the rule. She slept so well, and was such an easy baby. I thought we’d cruise through parenthood without a glitch. Although she is still a relatively easy baby, and a total sweetheart, I have to come to terms with the fact that she is growing up. Her mind is developing, her skills are growing, and the world around her is her oyster. If its there, she’s into it. I am the facilitator, her protector, and we are each other’s teachers. Every day I am offered the opportunity to practice patients, self-sacrifice, and unconditional love. It’s not always easy, but it is rewarded. When she comes to Me when she needs comfort, when she lays her head on my shoulder with complete trust, or when she looks in my eyes and says “Mambap,” (Mama) it makes it all worth it.
It's still funny to me how people who don’t have children are pretty clueless about them. I have to suggest to all people who don’t have children, if you see a mom who looks like she needs help, or could use a break, offer a hand! Even 10 minutes of free time away from baby can make a woman’s day. Be a hero and take the baby for a walk. You might just have a moment, and connect with that divine presence.

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